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MenuSearch is an online community that not only gives you information about the restaurants, but shows you the restaurant menus themselves. Our main focus is on independently owned and operated restaurants. We fully believe in and support those restaurants that create dishes with passion and are there to make our experience great. Where available, we also provide links to discounts, coupons, and reservation services.

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Location: Las Vegas & Tampa, NV & FL, United States

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Menu Information

This will be a brief post but I've stumbled upon a multitude of restaurants that barely even have the restaurant name on their menu. Your menu is an extension of your business - it should be complete.

First and foremost, your menu should include all of the pertinent information about your restaurant. You should include your full address (include Suite #), City, State and Zip, Phone, Fax, Website(if you've spent the money, drive traffic to it) and most importantly: HOURS!

Secondly, ask yourself this: Does my menu visually represent my restaurant? If not, let's get it updated.

Thirdly, handwriting is a no-no. People see that and they run in the other direction. Consider this: If I quote you a price from my price list and I've hand written a higher one, do you trust me enough to pay the higher price?

Finally, are you proud of your menu? Then share it with as many people as possible. Get it out there!

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