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MenuSearch is an online community that not only gives you information about the restaurants, but shows you the restaurant menus themselves. Our main focus is on independently owned and operated restaurants. We fully believe in and support those restaurants that create dishes with passion and are there to make our experience great. Where available, we also provide links to discounts, coupons, and reservation services.

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Location: Las Vegas & Tampa, NV & FL, United States

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Easy Menu Distribution

I know this is not a new or revolutionary idea but it's amazing how you think you have all your bases covered, when you don't. They next menu print run you do or perhaps you have a ton laying around, box'em up and jump in the car. Take these menus to every motel and hotel within 25-50 miles of your restaurant. When people travel, they don't want to jump through hoops to find a restaurant. When a hotel or motel agree to hold or distribute your menus, be sure to create a route list and check on them every few weeks. If they're out, you need to get them more as that means business. If they're still there, have a conversation as to why. Open communication and partnerships with complementary businesses is key to success. We of all people know this fact.



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