Free Restaurant Marketing, Advertising and Information

MenuSearch is an online community that not only gives you information about the restaurants, but shows you the restaurant menus themselves. Our main focus is on independently owned and operated restaurants. We fully believe in and support those restaurants that create dishes with passion and are there to make our experience great. Where available, we also provide links to discounts, coupons, and reservation services.

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Location: Las Vegas & Tampa, NV & FL, United States

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

MenuSearch can now offer online ordering!

MenuSearch.Net is proud to represent Atlas Restaurant Solutions as of 10/15/08. We can now assist you with Online Ordering and a full suite of merchant services including POS, credit card transactions, etc. We can help you with all of your online needs. Just ask. We'll come up with the solution to fit your budget.

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Friday, October 10, 2008

What MenuSearch wants

We want to represent your restaurant on MenuSearch.Net. Visit us, see if it’s something you need and call or email us. Having a significant, web presence is no longer optional. Your customers are using the web and you need to be everywhere.

What we do is relatively self-explanatory but if you’re a restaurant that can’t afford or don’t understand the Internet, we can help you with a few solutions. If you have a website, we’re still a profitable solution.

All restaurants that appear on MenuSearch must have a menu attached. We can also provide you with an affordable online ordering solution. In today’s economy you need to do something and we’re that something!

I promise that when you hear what we do and our affordable prices; your decision to go with us will be a no-brainer. It will be the best 5-minute investment you’ll have made in years.

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Thursday, October 9, 2008

My Website and MenuSearch

It is amazing how many restaurants build a website and expect visitor traffic to be huge. It is not this simple! The first thing to understand is that unless you are giving away your food, the probability your website will be flooded with traffic is zero.

You can’t just build a website and hope that people will show up and use it. Even when you stick your web address on your menu or business cards, the number of new visitors to your website (and restaurant) will be disappointing.

Restaurants generally find themselves in a situation where they have built a website to promote and sell and because customers want it, but it is surprising how many businesses fail to promote the website once it's up. If you’re a restaurant that can’t afford or don’t understand the Internet, we can help you with a few solutions.

Without a doubt the best place to start to build traffic is on the Internet itself. It makes good sense, and you don’t have to be a marketer to realize that if you open a restaurant, you need to advertise the store to tell people you're open for business and how to find you. To take this one step further, you need to advertise in the places where your customers will be looking for your restaurant while on the Internet. This means paying for space on websites relevant to your business and avoiding paying for space on websites that are not relevant to your customers or restaurants.

Making sure your website appears on the major search engines when customers type in your business name is a great start and a great way of learning the online marketing ropes. But you have to consider that your customers may not know your name or be considering you at the time of their search. They like options.

You also want to consider that your website will not appear in the web searches for a while (6-12 weeks with Google and Yahoo respectively) and it can take a few more weeks to be indexed in the search results. If you have optimized (Search Engine Optimization) your website, you should at least appear in the results for your business name. If you still do not appear after a few months, you need to either investigate more about search engine optimization or ask us to help you. MenuSearch can help get the process going quicker as we're already ranked and indexed with Google and Yahoo. Being linked from MenuSearch gives your website "credibility" in the online landscape. Plus, your posting page will be optimized as well.

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